Mandatory fields, optional fields

In order to complete the Widget configuration, some Widget properties must be configured : the Widget will not work without this field bound.
The corresponding field selector is marked with “Select required field…

Widget required field

Some fields are optional : you may need to configure them in order to get what you want, but the Widget will still work without this field bound.
The corresponding field selector is marked with “Select optional field…

Widget optional field

When you want to configure a field, just use those field selectors to select the desired field.

Selecting a field to bind

Depending on the aggregation function selected and the property you are trying to configure, not all field types may be available.
For example, if the aggregation function Sum is selected, then only the numerical fields and numerical Expressions are listed.

Number fields

If the configuration only accepts numbers, all number fields are listed in a single flat selector :

Widget selecting number field

“Any” fields

If the configuration accepts any type of fields, they are organized in 2 categories :

  • Measures : the numerical fields from your data.
  • Dimensions : the non-numerical fields from your data.

Widget binding field types

Just click a category to unfold it and list all fields of that type :

Widget binding field types unfold

Searching for a field

Instead of browsing for a field, you can use the search box to start typing part of the field name :

Widget field search

This will incrementally list all fields partially matching the search pattern.

To clear the search, simply click the cross button next to the search box :

Widget field search clear
Last modified: Sep 13, 2021


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