
In order to turn the analog Value into a grade, Alpana will use a list of Thresholds :

  1. Is the Value less than the 1st threshold ? Then apply the 1st grade.
  2. Is the Value less than the 2nd threshold ? Then apply the 2nd grade.
  3. Else, apply the last threshold.

You can configure those thresholds values and number, and the corresponding labels and colors.
You should configure them at the same time, to ensure a consistent configuration.

Energy Rating example2


This is the list of grade labels to apply to each threshold.
By default, they are letter grades : A, B, C, etc…
You can add/remove labels, and change the corresponding text (to use A++, A+ etc for example).

Energy Rating Labels configuration


This is the list of colors to apply to each grade.
By default, this is a gradient from green (good grades) to red (bad grades).
You can add/remove/configure colors.

Energy Rating Colors configuration


This is the list of thresholds themselves, used to calculate the grade.
You can add/remove/configure thresholds.

Energy Rating Thresholds configuration
Last modified: May 05, 2020


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