Getting started with Alpana is easy, and the guide below should help you follow the steps.
Getting Alpana
- Contact your official Distributor to get a license. If you don’t know who is your official Distributor, get in touch with us at and we will sort it out !
- Once your license is created, connect to your License Portal to download Alpana.
- Read the ReadMe file and the Release Notes. In particular, pay close attention to the Pre-Requisites of Alpana Server, and the upgrade instructions in general.
Installing Alpana Designer
Alpana Designer is used to create the content of Alpana (Widgets, Dashboards, Data Sources).
It may be installed on the same machine as Alpana Server, or remotely. The important part is being able to access the data.
- Check the Release Notes
- Install the Pre-Requisites
- Install Alpana Designer
Installing Alpana Server
Alpana Server is used to display the content of Alpana (Widgets, Dashboards, Data Sources) and share it with other users.
- Check the Release Notes (and Upgrade Instructions if relevant).
- Decide where you will install Alpana Server after reading up on the architecture of the application.
- Install the Pre-Requisites. This step is important and must be done in the right order. A machine restart may be required.
Install Alpana Server
Activate a license
- Login to the Host, see Post-Installation steps.
- Activate your license
- Activate the desired license features
- Assign features to the Tenants as desired.
What’s next ?
Here are some tips on what to do next :
- Don’t forget to change the default passwords !
- Login to a Tenant to configure it. Read up the Administration chapter for more information on configuration.
- Create Categories on the Tenant. This will allow users to publish Dashboards
- Configure e-mail settings. This will allow to invite users by e-mail, let them recover their passwords, and more.
- Create Users and Roles to let users access Alpana Server. Configure the relevant security options.
Last modified:
May 12, 2020
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