A User represents an access to Alpana Server, with its associated Roles and Permissions.
Users can manage some of their own properties by editing their Profile.

To manage Users, go to the Administration > Users page :

Server menu Administration Users

Default Users

Some Users exist by default in Alpana Server.
They cannot be deleted.

Host default User

When installing Alpana Server, an administrator user is created with some default credentials :
username : admin

Tenants default User

When creating a Tenant, an administrator user is created with some default credentials :
username : admin

Creating a User

Manual User creation

To create a new User, click Create new user :

User create click

Then fill-in the User form (see below Edit User).

Mass import of Users

Instead of manually creating Users one by one, you may wish to import many Users at once.
Alpana Server allows to import a list of Users from an Excel file.

Download a sample Excel file

To prepare your User import, you can download a sample Excel file.
Click Excel operations > click here to download sample import file :

User create import sample click

This downloads an Excel file called ImportUsersSampleFile.xlsx inside your web browser.
This file contains the correct field names and some sample import.

Prepare your Excel file

Delete the sample import and add your own users’ informations.
To assign multiple Roles, write the desired list of Roles separated by commas , .

Import Users from Excel

Click Excel operations > Import from excel :

User create import Excel click

Viewing Users


The list of Users are presented in a paginated table displaying their main properties, which all can be used to sort the list :

Users list example1

Filtering the list

The top bar also contains filters and advanced filters :

Searching names

Using the Search… bar, you can search users by username, name or e-mail :

Users search bar example1

Locked users

You can search for Users who are currently Locked.
This can let you as an admin to unlock them quickly.

Filter Roles

You can filter the list by Roles :

Users search Role click

Filter by Permissions

You can filter Users by which permissions are active :

Click Select permissions in the top bar :

Roles search click

Then select the required Permissions and click Select :

Roles search form

Editing a User

To Edit a User, click the Actions > Edit button :

User Edit click

User properties contain two tabs :

User properties tabs
  • User informations : all the User’s properties, see below
  • Roles : the Roles assigned to the User

Name and profile properties

User profiles have the following properties to describe them :

  • Name : the first/given/forename
  • Surname : the last/family/surname
  • Email address : a valid e-mail address
  • Phone number
  • User name : the name the User will use for logging in


You can Set random password or specify a password explicitly yourself :

User profile password

The option Change password on next login forces the user to change their password the next time they will log in :

User profile password change option

Active / Activation e-mail

You can select if the User is already Active and/or if they should receive an Activation email that will confirm their account creation :

User profile active

Lockout enabled

A User goes on Lockout when they have tried to connect with an incorrect password too many times in a row.
This is a security measure that can be disabled individually for users.

Assigning Roles

From the Roles tab, you can assign the desired roles to the User :

User Roles assign

Overriding Permissions

Users’ permissions can be overridden from their Role.
Click Action >_ Permissions_ :

User Permissions click

Check the desired permissions, as described in the corresponding chapter.

Exporting Users lists

For administrative purposes, it can be useful to export the list of Users.
Alpana Server lets you export the list of created Users to an Excel file.

Click Excel operations > Export to Excel :

Users export Excel click

Your web browser will download the Excel file with the full list of Users and their properties :

  • Name
  • Surname
  • User name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Email confirm
  • Roles
  • Active
  • Creation time

Deleting a User

To delete a User, click Action > Delete :

User Delete click
Last modified: Oct 29, 2019


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