How to open
From the Dashboard activity tab
In the top bar, use the Edit Filters icon :
From a “Use Parameter” configuration
In many places where a Parameter can be used, a list icon acts as shortcut to open the Parameters Editor :
This appears for example in Data Source filters, in Stored Procedures parameters, etc…
Result : Parameters Editor
This opens the “Parameters Editor” dialog :
From there, you can manage Parameters :
- create Parameters
- rename Parameters
- remove Parameters
- change their default value
- change bindings between Widgets and Parameters
On the left is a list of Master Widgets and their selection events : this is a source of data for Parameters.
Parameters Binding
In the middle is a list of Parameters : this is the variable that contains the value.
On the right is a list of Listener Widgets : this is a destination that will update according to the value.
Last modified:
Sep 28, 2022
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