When clicking the widget’s settings, the Edit Input Grid dialog opens and lets you configure the options of that widget :

InputGrid configure button

Selecting a Target Connection

Once you are connected to Alpana Server, the dialog presents the list of all Runtime Connections published on the Server.

InputGrid configure Target Connection

Select the desired Runtime Connection from the list.

Display and Permission options

Display Existing Data

You can optionally Display Existing Data :

InputGrid configure Display Existing

This allows the user to see all data rows that were entered previously.
If this is disabled, then the user will only see the data row that was input during this session.

Allow Update

If you Display Existing Data, you can also optionally Allow Update :

InputGrid configure Allow Update

This allows users to modify the data on any existing entry in the table.

Allow Delete

If you Display Existing Data, you can also optionally Allow Delete :

InputGrid configure Allow Delete

This allows users to delete any existing entry in the table.

Input form options

The Edit Mode defines how a new data row is created or how an existing data row is edited :

InputGrid configure Edit Mode


In Normal mode, the data is edited inline inside the grid :

Adding data

The user clicks the Add button :

InputGrid runtime Add

This creates a new empty row (or pre-filled with default values) :

InputGrid runtime inline

The user then updates all the fields as desired, and either clicks Update to save the change, or Cancel to cancel creating the entry :
InputGrid runtime Update InputGrid runtime Cancel

Editing data

On an existing data row, the user can edit by clicking on the row and clicking the Edit button :

InputGrid runtime Edit

Deleting data

On an existing data row, the user can delete the row by clicking on the row and clicking the Delete button :

InputGrid runtime Delete


In Dialog mode, a pop-up dialog allows to edit/input data :

Adding data

The user clicks the Add button :

InputGrid runtime Add

This opens the input dialog (empty or pre-filled with default values) :

InputGrid runtime dialog

The user then updates all the fields as desired, and can either Save or_Cancel_ the dialog :

Editing data

On an existing data row, the user can edit by clicking on the row and clicking the Edit button :

InputGrid runtime Edit

Deleting data

On an existing data row, the user can delete the row by clicking on the row and clicking the Delete button :

InputGrid runtime Delete

Style and Appearance

Custom Title

(new in 2020 R2)

The header of the widget can be configured :

InputGrid Header configure
Last modified: Feb 17, 2022


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