Browsing the Connection schema

In order to get data from an object in the Connection, you will need to browse the Connection schema.

To do so, click on the Connection on the left, and use the + icons to navigate the schema tree :

connection schema list objects

Selecting the database schema

(new in version 2020 R2)

Some Connection types can have multiple database schemas.
By default, objects from all schemas are listed.
If instead you want to restrict the list to objects from a specific database schema, you can select it from the Database Schemas list :

Connection schema Database Schema

Searching for an object

When the database contains many objects (tables, views, stored procedures, etc…), you can filter the list by clicking the magnifying glass icon :

Connection schema search click

In the text box that pops up, write the text that is contained in the desired object names :

Connection schema search text

This will filter to display only the objects whose name contain the text (the search is case insensitive).
Click the cross button to clear the filter.

Showing the fields of an object

Clicking one last time the + icon will show the list of fields in that object :

connection schema list fields

Field Type icon

Next to each field is an icon showing the data type of that field :

  • STR : string
  • 123 : number
  • calendar : date
  • 010 : boolean

Refreshing the Connection schema

If the Connection schema has changed since you started browsing (maybe a table was added or removed, etc…), you will need to refresh it manually.

To do so, click on the pen icon on the Connection on the left, and select “Refresh Schema” :

connection schema refresh
Last modified: Feb 17, 2022


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