Administrators can impersonate other Users.
This is useful for support.

Impersonating a User

To impersonate another User from the same Tenant (or Host), go to the Administration > Users page :

Server menu Administration Users

Find the desired User, and click Actions > Login as this user :

User impersonate click

This will log you as the target User.

Impersonating a User from a specific Tenant

From the Host, you can impersonate Users from Tenants.

Go to the Tenants page :

Server menu Tenants

Find the desired Tenant and click Actions > Login as this tenant :

Tenant impersonate click

A dialog opens with the list of Users from that Tenant.
Find the desired User of that Tenant, and click the Select button :

Tenant impersonate dialog

This will log you as the target User on the target Tenant.

Returning to your account

After impersonating a User, you can return to your own account without logging out.
Click the User’s profile button and select Back to my account :

User impersonate return
Last modified: Feb 17, 2022


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