The Card displays a sparkline which is a mini-chart that gives an idea of the trend of the KPI.
It uses Field Value as Y axis and field Sparkline for the X axis. Depending on the aggregation it could impact the data visualization.
Sparkline Scale
The vertical Scale of the sparkline chart can be configured, in % of the height of the row :
means to take the full height of the row0.9
means almost the full height0.1
means a very thin display
Sparkline Color
The Color Type of the sparkline chart can be :
- the Direction Color that depends on the distance between the Value and the Target, and whether we consider that “good” or “bad” (see “Colors and result interpretation”)
- or a Custom Color that is fixed
The Opacity of the color can also be configured.
Sparkline Interpolation
The sparkline chart is interpolated.
Available interpolation methods are :
A cubic basis spline
The result is a smooth curve which doesn’t exactly pass through the data points themselves.
A series of interconnected lines.
The result is that of a line chart.
A cubic spline that preserves monotonicity in y, assuming monotonicity in x.
The result is a smooth curve which goes through all data points and doesn’t overshoot.
A step line centered on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant around the data points.
A step line starting on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant after the data points.
A step line ending on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant before the data points.
Sparkline impact on the main value
When value is selected for the fields Value and Target, the card widget will get all data from the datasource and aggregate them (or use last) by the card properties (right panel)
If there is no sparkline used for the widget, the best practice is to use the aggregation on the fields (left menu)
The sparkline will split the data in function of the selected field. For duplicate data (i.e. same datetime) they will be grouped and aggregated in function of the aggregation type of the fields Value
& Target
Since the data will be processed, it may impact your widget main value. To prevent any trouble using the spakline, the widget should be configured with :
- Set Value & Sparkline fields as Value :
- Open filter editor :
- Uncheck Distinct values only :
- In the right panel, use aggregate and select the type of aggregation needed :
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