As administrator of the Host or of a Tenant, you can configure user account and login features on a global level.

To manage user account and login features of a Host or Tenant, go to the corresponding Administration > Settings and browse to the tabs User management and Security :

Server menu Settings

Settings User tab click

User management

Allowing users to Sign Up

You can allow users to create their own account :

Settings User signup configure
  • Allow users to register to the system : users will be able to create a new account by filling-out a form on the Login page
  • New registered users are active by default : users will be active immediately without administrator intervention

Inform of cookie use

You can inform users that the Alpana Server website uses cookies :

Settings User cookie configure

Users will see an information message when they login, which they can validate by clicking “Got it!” :

Settings User cookie message

Session timeout

You can force users to logout on inactivity.
This is useful if you want to limit the un-necessary use of concurrent licenses.

Check Session Time Out Control enabled :

Settings User timeout configure
  • Timeout Second : how many seconds to wait for inactivity and start displaying the inactivity countdown message
  • Countdown Modal Wait Time (Seconds) : how many seconds to display the inactivity countdown message before actually forcing the user to logout

When the User has been inactive for Timeout Second, the below inactivity countdown message is displayed.
If the User moves the mouse or keyboard, the message disappears and the Timeout Second is reset.
Otherwise, the user is logged out.

Settings User timeout message


You can let users from an Active Directory domain connect to the Tenant.


For this option to appear, you must first enable the “LDAP” Feature at the Host level, then assign it to the desired Tenant.
Finally, you must restart the Alpana Server app to apply the change (restart the BackEnd website).


On the desired tenant, check the option Enable LDAP Authentication, then fill-in the form :

  • Domain name : Active Directory domain
  • User name : user on the ACtive Directory with permissions to get the user list
  • Password for that User.


When configured, users can login using their Active Directory username and password, and the Alpana account will automatically be created for them, like a new User.

Email confirmation

You can require users to confirm their e-mail address before they can login for the first time :

Settings User confirm configure


Password complexity

You can force user to include a minimal complexity in their choice of password :

Settings User password complexity

Un-check User default settings and check the required character sets and password length.

User Lock Out

You can configure Alpana Server to lock user accounts for a while when they have entered a wrong password several times.
See User Lockout

Last modified: Feb 17, 2022


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