Source Url

This is the Url that points to the content you wish to embed. Simply paste the Url in this text box.

Widget Embed configure

Dynamic URL

You can update the URL displayed in the widget when a Parameter value is updated.
For this, use the Parameter placeholder :


Example :
When the Parameter param_Country is updated, the Embed widget will display the corresponding Wikipedia page :${param_Country}

Embed Type

The Embed Type determines how the content will be embedded :

Widget Embed type


The content will be embedded “as-is”.
This is usually the default.


This is for video streams that require to be embedded inside <video> HTML markup.
This can be the case for some security cameras.


This is for image streams that require to be embedded inside <img> HTML markup.
This can be the case for some security cameras / webcams.

Last modified: Feb 17, 2022


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