In a basic configuration, the condition is expressed as :
<FieldName> <Operator> <Value>
For example :
aaValueStartTime > 2018-01-05T00:00:00
Operators appropriate to Dates and Times can be selected :
Relative date filtering
The special operator “Relative date” allows to select a “date window” / “time frame” that is moving over time relative to the current moment.
When selecting this operator, click the edit icon to define the relative date window :
Then for each time range :
Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour
… a Period can be selected :
Previous 1, Current, Next 1, Last N, Past N, Next N, Upcoming N, To Date
A preview of the selected date range for the current time appears at the bottom of the window to help you configure :
Field formatting
Similarly to the number fields, a formatting function can be applied to the date field :
This way, the filter condition will be :
<Function>(<FieldName>) <Operator> <Value>
For example :
Year(Date) BETWEEN 2015 AND 2016
Static values
The “Edit values” button can be check/unchecked manually :
When the “Edit values” button is un-checked, a value can be selected from current values in the database :
When the “Edit values” button is checked, a value can also be entered as text :
Dynamic filter values using Parameters
Instead of comparing to a static value, it is possible to compare to a dynamic Parameter that will depend on actions inside the Dashboard.
For this, select “Use Parameter” and see the Chapter about Parameters.
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