When loading a Grid Widget, all the rows of data are loaded.
The Grid can also be configured with Paging : it only loads pages of 50 rows (configurable), and a page navigator allows to see the rest of the data.
Check Allow Paging under Basic Settings and set a Page Size (default 50) :
The User can still scroll down each page (depending on the widget height), but not more than 50 rows at a time.
Then the navigator can be used to go to :
first page
previous page
a specific page number
next page
last page
Column width
Grid column width is by default constant, but can be configured to adapt to the content width.
Check Fit To Content under Basic Settings :
Grid Lines
Grid lines (columns/rows separators) can be displayed or hidden.
Check the corresponding Horizontal_/_Vertical option :
Column Headers style
The visual style of widgets is inherited from the currently applied Theme.
You can override the column headers style by selecting a color for their background and font :
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