Why remove a connection ?
By default, a Filter Widget becomes connected to all Listener Widgets using the same Data Source.
Sometimes, you only want to filter some Widgets and not others.
This can also be useful for sending values into a Parameter without Listener Widgets :
The Master Widget sends a value into the Parameter, and the Parameter is used as Stored Procedure parameter for example.
How to disable a connection
You can disable a connection without removing it.
From the connection
Click on the connection, and un-check “Enable” :
From the Listener Widget
Alternately, you can click on a Listener Widget, and un-check “Enable” on the corresponding relationship :
Re-enable connection
Similarly, you can re-enable the connection by checking again “Enable”.
See disabled connections
A disabled connection is displayed as a greyed-out link :
How to remove a connection
To remove a connection, click on it, then click on the red bin button :
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