
The following fields are available for configuring data binding on a Polar Chart :

Polar example data
  • Y Value(s) : the distance between the data point and the center of the chart
  • X Axis : how we group values together at different angles to create points on the line

Show : Y Value(s)

This represents the quantity we want to display on the Chart, and will bind for example to the distance between the data point and the center of the chart.

These fields must be aggregated : you must choose an aggregation function (SUM, AVG, …)
At least one field must be bound.

Multiple fields : multiple Series

When binding multiple fields at the same time, each field will generate a separate Series.

This way, each Series can have its own graphical properties, its own Draw Type, etc…
To change the order of fields, see the corresponding chapter.


With a field called “Price” and a field called “Target”, you will chart 2 separate series, one for each field.

Polar multiple series configure

Polar multiple series runtime

Group by : X Axis

This represents the category we want to use to separate data points.

These fields cannot be aggregated : they must have several separate values in order to group the “Values” aggregation.
At least one field must be bound.

Last modified: May 24, 2019


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