
Download installer

See here to download the installer.

Running the Alpana Server installer

Login with administrator rights to the machine where you want to install Alpana Server.

Start the Alpana Server installer .msi file to start the installation.

At the installer welcome message, click Next :

Server installer welcome v3.0

Accepting EULA

Accept the End User License Agreement and click Next :

Server installer EULA checked v3.0

Configuring website folder

Alpana Server will be installed as IIS websites in this machine.
Use this page to configure the folder on the disk where the website files will be hosted :

Server installer folder v3.0

Configuring SSL or DNS

Use this page to optionally configure :

  • SSL : insert a certificate to let users connect to your Alpana Server website using HTTPS
  • DNS : bind a domain name to let users connect to your Alpana Server using a friendly name like, or write a static IP address that is not currently available

Tenant names as subdomains

If you use DNS with a domain name, you will be able to create subdomains.
The installer can be configured to automatically generate a subdomain for each created Tenant.
For example, if your domain is “”, and you have 3 Tenants, they each will have the following URL :

  • tenant “Default” : URL
  • tenant “CustomerX” : URL
  • tenant “CustomerY” : URL

Server installer IIS options v3.0

Configuring address and ports of websites

Alpana Server actually consists of two IIS websites :

  • the Back-End Site is where the application runs. Users will connect to this site for publishing from Alpana Designer, for logging in using Alpana Mobile, or when using the API
  • the Front-End Site is where the web portal is made available. Users will connect to this site to view dashboards from a web browser.

If a port is invalid or unavailable, select another port.

If you have several IP addresses (Network Interface Cards), select the desired IP address from the list, or “localhost”.

Server installer web ports v3.0

Configuring the SQL connection

Alpana Server stores its state inside a SQL database.
Use this page to configure the connection string to the database.
This connection string must allow the installer to create databases and give permissions to users.

Server installer SQL connection v3.0


This is the address of the SQL Server instance you need to access. Possible values are :

  • . or localhost : local server
  • <NetBIOSName> : server named with a NetBIOS name
  • <IPv4Address> : server accessible through a IP v4 address
  • <IPv6Address> : server accessible through a IP v6 address
  • <server address>\<instance name> : connect to a specific instance. For SQL Express, it may be necessary to use <server address>\SQLEXPRESS
  • <server address>,1433 : 1433 is the default port for SQL Server, but can be changed like this


The desired name for the Alpana database.

Authentication Mode

SQL Server” : will use SQL Server authentication with “User name” and “Password”.

“Windows” : will use Windows Authentication from the Windows user that generates the query.

Note on Windows Authentication

Please note that two Windows users will be using this connection string :

  • The Windows user who runs the installer. The installers authenticates to SQL as this Windows user to create databases and transfers rights to the second user below :
  • The Windows user who runs the Application Pool of the IIS Website for Alpana Server. Its name is IIS APPPOOL\Alpana3App.

Completing the installation

Confirm the configuration by clicking Install :

Server installer confirm v3.0

Server installer progress v3.0

Launch Alpana Server

Upon completion, you can opt to Launch Alpana Server :

Server install launch

This will start the corresponding websites, and open your default web browser to navigate on the Front-End.

If you un-check this option, you may still start the websites at a later time.

Installation troubleshooting

If you encounter some issues during or after installation, see Installation Troubleshooting and contact Support.

Next Steps

After successfully installing, you will have perform the Post-Installation steps.

Last modified: Apr 30, 2020


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