The Wonderware Historian Connection presents its Result in a table which can be renamed at the query level.
Data Fields
The fields of the Historian table depend on the query Type.
For a detailed description of these fields and their meaning, see the corresponding documentation from Wonderware.
History Values
For a History Values query in narrrow Format (the default), the following fields are returned :
- TagName
- Date
- Value
- vValue
- OPCQuality
- QualityDetail
- QualityDescription
- MinEU
- MaxEU
For a History Values query in Wide Format, the following fields are returned :
- Date
- (first tag)
- (second tag)
- (…)
- wwResolution
State Statistics
For a State Statistics query, the following fields are returned :
- TagName
- StartDateTime
- EndDateTime
- Value
- vValue
- OPCQuality
- StateCount
- StateTimeMin
- StateTimeMax
- StateTimeAvg
- StateTimeTotal
- StateTimePercent
Last modified:
Nov 04, 2020
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