Limits Opacity

This controls the opacity/transparency of the range area chart used to display the limit value, using fields Low and High as thresholds.

Sparkline Limits Opacity configuration

Sparkline Limits Opacity example opaque

Sparkline Limits Opacity example transparent

Chart interpolation

The main sparkline chart and the limit chart are each interpolated :

  • Line interpolate : interpolation method used for the main sparkline chart
  • Limits interpolate : interpolation method used for the limits range chart

Sparkline Interpolation configuration

Available interpolation methods are :


A cubic basis spline
The result is a smooth curve which doesn’t exactly pass through the data points themselves.

Sparkline Interpolation Basis example


A series of interconnected lines.
The result is that of a line chart.

Sparkline Interpolation Linear example


A cubic spline that preserves monotonicity in y, assuming monotonicity in x.
The result is a smooth curve which goes through all data points and doesn’t overshoot.

Sparkline Interpolation Monotone example


A step line centered on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant around the data points.

Sparkline Interpolation Step example


A step line starting on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant after the data points.

Sparkline Interpolation StepAfter example


A step line ending on the data point.
The result is a step line which is constant before the data points.

Sparkline Interpolation StepBefore example

Chart colors

The color of each sparkline chart is picked from an indexed palette defined under Color > Tags.
You can add/remove colors and customize them.
If there is more Tags than colors, the colors are cycled.

Sparkline Tags colors


The sparkline charts can be configured to be drawn with a variable line thickness depending on the value.
Check Use Trail and define :

  • Trail Size Low : the line thickness when the value is low
  • Trail Size High : the line thickness when the value is high

Sparkline Trail configure

Sparkline Trail example

Overlap Lines

This completely changes the display : instead of showing separate sparkline charts side-by-side, they are all superimposed on the same chart.

Sparkline Overlap configure

Sparkline Overlap example
Last modified: Apr 28, 2020


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