
The colors of items can be configured :

Banner Color configure

Banner Color runtime


This is the color of the numerical value (the value from the Value field).

Banner Color Value runtime


This is the color of the item’s label (the value from the Tag field).

Is Good

This is the color of the numerical values when the main Value is considered “good” compared to the Target value.

Is Equal

This is the color of the numerical values when the main Value is considered “equal” compared to the Target value.

Is Bad

This is the color of the numerical values when the main Value is considered “bad” compared to the Target value.


Item Group Size

The stream of items is grouped in packets.
This setting controls the size of the group.

Banner Group Size configure

Banner Group Size runtime


This setting controls the scrolling speed of the stream of values.

Banner Speed configure
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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