What are Parameter-Based Time Settings

With Parameter-Based Time Settings, the start date and end date of the Historian query are contained in a Alpana Parameter.
This means that the values can be changed at runtime using User interaction (filters, URL parameters).

How to configure

Use the panel on the left to select an existing Parameter from the dropdown list, or create a new Parameter using the shortcut button :

Historian parameter-based time settings


A recommended way to proceed is to :

  1. have a separate DataSource with field containing a list of possible dates/times for the user to select from (this is easy to do in Excel, CSV, SQL)
  2. create a Master Widget for the user to select the date/time, and configure it with the above DataSource
  3. make a default selection in the Master Widget, possibly using relative time default selection (if the Widget type allows it), so that the Parameter always has a value
  4. configure the Historian query with Parameter-Based Time Settings, using the Parameter that was automatically generated by the Master Widget
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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