Next to your user profile, you can click the Chat button to open the Chat panel :

Server Chat click

The panel opens on the side with your list of contacts :

Server Chat contacts

Click on the cross to close the panel.

Managing Contacts

Contacts list

The contacts list shows :

  • your current contacts
  • your blocked contacts
  • their status (connected or not)
  • the number of unread messages from that contact

You can filter your contact list by entering part of their User name or Tenant name in the Filter/Add user box.

Adding contacts

To add a contact, enter the full Tenant name and User name in the Filter/Add user box with the following format :

  • username : a user on the same Tenant
  • tenant\username : a user on a different Tenant
  • .\username : a user on the Host


Click on a contact to open the Conversation view for that contact :

Server Chat conversation

Return to the contacts list by clicking on the left arrow at the top.

Sending messages

You can send a text message by typing in the “Type a message here…” box and hitting Reply or the Enter key on your keyboard.

Click on the Attachment button to attach content to your message :

Server Chat attachment click

Server Chat attachment choose

This allows to send :

  • an image displayed inline
  • a file attached to your message
  • a link to the current page

Blocking/Unblocking contacts

Clicking on the ellipsis “…” button allows to Block the contact :

Server Chat block

You won’t receive any more message from this contact.

To unblock a contact, click Unblock :

Server Chat unblock
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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