Functions take part in the calculation and take other elements as argument.
There are two main types of functions :

  • Calculation functions (like Arithmetic functions *, /, -, +, Abs, … or String functions Concat, Left, …)
  • Aggregation functions (SUM, Count, AVG, …)

Most functions require arguments. A function argument itself can be anything :

  • Function
  • Field
  • Value

Any missing item will be displayed as a ? question mark.

Browsing for a function

Functions can be browsed from the Functions container at the bottom :

expression list functions

This list can be filtered by function type, or by selecting All functions :

expression list functions types

Adding a function to the Expression

To add a function to the Expression, simply drag it from the list into the Expression :

expression add function animated

When adding a function on the ? question mark, the function will take this place.

Replacing an existing function

Browsing on the function

To replace a function in an Expression, it’s possible to click on the function to be replaced, and select a replacement function :

expression replace function animated

Wrapping an Expression into a function

Maybe you have started creating an Expression, but now you want to make it an argument to a new function.
To wrap part of an Expression into a function, it’s possible to drag the function from the list and drop it onto the Expression part to be wrapped :

expression wrap function
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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