Widget Name

Each Widget has an internal Name used only at design-time, for example in the Widgets list.
This Name is not visible to the end user when the Widget is published.
It allows to have a clear useful name for the developer while the end user will want to see a different custom header, or even no header.

The Widget Name can be configured from the left of the top bar :

Widget Name


Widgets can also have a Header visible to the end user.
This can be used to display a title that can be a short description of the Widget’s purpose.

The Header can be configured from the top of the properties panel :

Widget configure Header

At runtime, this will be displayed at the top of the Widget container :

Widget Header runtime

Header options

Some Header options are available in the Container appearance section :

Show / Hide Header

The Show Header option (check by default) allows to display the Header at runtime :

Widget show Header

When the option is un-checked, the Header is invisible at runtime.

Header Size

The Header Size option allows to override for this Widget the Header Size set at the Dashboard level.

Header Bold

The Header Bold option allows to override for this Widget the Header font weight

Header Italic

The Header Italic option allows to override for this Widget the Header font style

Header Underline

The Header Underline option allows to add an underline to the Header text

Header Alignment

Allows to align the Header :

  • Left
  • Right
  • Center

Widget Header alignment

Header Color

By default, Header Color is managed by the currently applied Theme.
However, you can override the Theme color for the Header by checking Override Header Color and selecting the desired color :

Widget Header color

Label Parameters

The text content of the Header can include placeholders that will be replaced by Parameter values, see Label Parameters


The Description can be used to display a longer text describing the Widget’s purpose, its data, how to use it, …

The Description can be configured from the top of the properties panel :

Widget configure Description

At runtime, the Description is hidden and a (i) icon appears near the Widget title to indicate the presence of a Description :
Hovering the (i) icon shows the description :

Widget Description runtime
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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