Note : Grid as Master Widget
As most other Widget types, the Grid can be configured as a Master Widget to filter other widgets.
Additionally, the Grid allows you to make multiple selections : maintain the keyboard Ctrl
key while clicking Grid rows to select multiple values.
Manual Filtering
Users can be allowed to filter column contents at runtime based on a text value.
Configuring Manual Filter
In the Basic Settings section, select Allow Filter :
Applying Manual Filter
At runtime, a text box appears under each column name, allowing users to filter by this column content :
Only values that start with the input text is filtered.
Clearing Manual Filter
To clear the filter, the User can click on the cross of that text box :
Manual Sorting
When loading a Grid widget, sorting order depends on data binding and sorting configuration.
However, when manual sorting is allowed, the User can click on column titles to manually sort the Grid on that column :
To enable this feature (enabled by default), un-check Allow Sorting under Basic Settings :
Clicking the column header will cycle between 3 states :
- not sorted
- sorted ascending
- sorted descending
Here is the default sorting : Year ascending, continent ascending, (Production ascending) :
When the User clicks on continent, the Grid is now sorted by continent in ascending alphabetical order :
When clicking a second time, the column is now sorted descending :
Number fields can also be sorted manually :
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