
The following field containers are available for configuring data binding on a Grid :

Grid configuration example
  • Column(s) : fields that will be Grid columns
  • Hidden Column(s) : field that will be in the query but not visible to the user


Any number of fields of any type can be added as Grid Columns.

The order in the Columns container defines the order of Grid columns from left to right.

Value fields may or may not be aggregated.

Each field groups all the other fields on the right of it.
Changing the order of fields is documented here.


With fields Year, Continent :

Grid field order 1 configuration

The Grid shows the first Year (2016) and all its Continents,(Asia, Europe, North America), then the second Year (2017) and all its Continents, etc… :

Grid field order 1 runtime

With fields Continent, Year :

Grid field order 2 configuration

The Grid shows the first Continent (Asia) and all its Years (2015, 2016, 2017), then the second Continent (Europe) and all its Years, etc… :

Grid field order 2 runtime

Hidden Columns

Optionally, any number of fields of any type can be added as Hidden Columns.

The Hidden columns group the visible columns.

Value fields may or may not be aggregated.


When configuring a single column called Year :

Grid Hidden configuration 1

… the data is grouped, and only distinct values of Year (2015, 2016, 2017) are displayed, and only once :

Grid Hidden runtime 1

When configuring additionally a hidden field Continent which has 3 distinct values :

Grid Hidden configuration 2

… each Year will appear 3 times : once for each value in Continent :

Grid Hidden runtime 2
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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