To select Alpana visuals, open the Visual Selection tab :

OMI Configuration Visual tab


Click on Dashboards to select from the list of published Dashboards :

OMI Configuration Visual Dashboards

Browse the tree of Categories to find your dashboard :

OMI Configuration Visual Categories

Full Dashboard

From the list of dashboards on the right, you can click a dashboard to select it :

OMI Configuration Visual Dashboard

The Selected Visual will say “published dashboard”.

Widget from a Dashboard

When you click on a Dashboard, the list of all Widgets that are contained inside is unfolded.
From there, you may select any Widget that is contained inside a published Dashboard.

The Selected Visual will say “widget in dashboard XXX”.


Click on Widgets to select from the list of published Widgets :

OMI Configuration Visual Widgets

From the list of widgets on the right, you can click a widget to select it :

OMI Configuration Visual Widget

The Selected Visual will say “published widget”.

Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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