The value that the Parameter has by default is called the Default Value.
This is the value that the Parameter has before any manual filtering at runtime for example.

Setting Default Value from URL Parameters

URL Parameters actually replace the Default Value when the Dashboard loads.

Setting Default Value from Widgets

It is possible to set a Parameter Default Value by making a selection in the Widget Preview of one of its Master Widgets.

This is explained in the corresponding chapter.

Setting Default Value manually

Default Values can be set manually from the “Default Value” text box :

Parameter Default Value text

Text or number Default Values

Text or number default value can be set manually by writing the value in the text box.

Multiple Default Values

Multiple Default values can be set using a comma , as separator :

Parameter Default Value multiple

Date Default Values with Format

For Date type values, it is possible to use a date Format.
This will behave similarly as Data Source Filters on formatted date fields.

Example :

In the Listener Widget relationship, use format “Month” :

Parameter date format

Set the Parameter as Integer and in the Default Value text box, you enter 2.

⇒ By default, the month of February (month number 2) is filtered.

Special Default Values

A Default Value with “no content” could actually have different meanings :

  • don’t filter (select all items in the Listener Widgets)
  • don’t select anything (select nothing in the Listener Widgets)
  • select explicitly the NULL value
  • select explicitly the empty string ""

Select All

If you want the Parameter by default to not filter anything (select all values in the Listener Widgets), click the button Empty/All :

Parameter default value all

Select None

If you want the Parameter by default to remove every value (select no corresponding value in the Listener Widgets), click the button Empty/None :

Parameter default value none

Select NULL

If you want the Parameter by default to select the NULL value (NULL in SQL-like Connections, empty cells in Excel, etc), click the button NULL Value :

Parameter default value null

Empty string

To let the Parameter have the empty string "" as Default Value, erase all text content :

Parameter default value empty

Select a datasource field as default value

It is possible to get a default value from a datasource :

To get a default value, it is needed to :

  • Choose a *datasource *from the
  • Choose the *field *which will be used as source of the default value
  • Select an *aggregation * to define the formation of value
  • Some aggregation require an order by from a field (such as First or Last)

In this example, the parameter will get a default value from the first item in Value Field ordered by the eqpt field Ascending.
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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