
The following field containers are available for configuring data binding on a Map :

Map data binding example
  • Value : the color intensity of the shape (Choropleth Map), or the size of the bubble (Bubble Map)
  • Shape : what Data Source field will be bound to the selected GeoJSON Property/Shape Identifier
  • Calculations : (Choropleth Map only) assign a single color to a shape or group of shapes


This represents the quantity we want to display on the Map, and will bind for example to the color intensity of the shape (Choropleth Map), or the size of the bubble (Bubble Map).

The Value field must be aggregated : you must choose an aggregation function (SUM, AVG, …)
This field is required.


This will link the values from the selected Data Source field to the values of the selected GeoJSON Property/Shape Identifier.

The Shape field cannot be aggregated : it must have several separate values in order to group the “Value” aggregation.
This field is required.

Calculations (Choropleth Map)

When this field is configured, the Choropleth Map colors no longer show gradients of a single color depending on the intensity of the Value.
Instead, each separate value of the Calculations field generates a single separate color, and all corresponding shapes are painted with that color.
Then the “Value” field is only displayed as indication in the tooltip.

The Calculations field cannot be aggregated : it must have several separate values in order to group the “Value” aggregation.
This field is optional.


Before applying a calculation field, all countries have a different shade of blue :

Map data binding example no Calculations

Map data binding example no Calculations runtime

After using “continent” as Calculations field, each country have the color of the corresponding continent :

Map data binding example Calculations

Map data binding example Calculations runtime
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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