A Dashboard.alpd file can be opened in a few ways :
File > Open
To open a Dashboard.alpd file in the currently open Alpana Designer, click on the burger menu at the top and use Open… :
Open / Import
You can also use the top toolbar Open Dashboard button :
In the Import Dashboard dialog, under Computer, click … to browse for a Dashboard file and click Import :
Open recent
Alpana Designer also maintains a list of recently opened Dashboards.
Click on the burger menu at the top, hover the Open recent… item to pop-up a list of recent dashboards, and click an item to open it :
Double-click file in Windows
By double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer, a new instance of Alpana Designer opens this file.
If Alpana Designer is already open, the window becomes focused and displays a confirmation message to close the current dashboard and open the new one.
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