Why add a connection ?

This can be useful for filtering across Data Sources :

Only Widgets from the same Data Source are linked by default.
If you wish to use a Master Widget from DataSource_A to filter a Listener Widget from DataSource_B, you have to manually define the relationship : what field in DataSource_B will become filtered by the Parameter and how ?

This can also be useful for sending values into a Parameter without Listener Widgets. The Parameter can be used as Stored Procedure parameter for example.

How to add a connection

To add a connection, click on the right dot of the desired field to link from, and drag to the left dot on the field to be linked to :

Parameters add link animated

Connecting a Master to a Parameter

Browse the Master Widget on the left. Unfold the tree to find the desired DataSelect event (the name of the event is the name of the Data Source field selected).
Hover the DataSelect event. A grey dot appears on the right of the event name, this is where you will click and drag to draw a link :

Parameters add link step 1

Parameters add link step 2

Complete the link into the grey dot on the left of the destination Parameter :

Parameters add link step 3

The Master Widget is now linked to this Parameter :
When a user will generate a DataSelect event for this field, the corresponding data value(s) will be sent into the Parameter.

Connecting a Parameter to a Listener

Select a Parameter. A grey dot appears on the right of the Parameter name, this is where you will click and drag to draw a link :

Parameters link listener step 1

Parameters link listener step 2

Complete the link into the grey dot on the left of the destination Listener Widget :

Parameters link listener step 3

Upon completing the link, a relation ship editor appears to let you set the relationship between the Parameter value and the Data Source fields of the Listener Widget :

Parameters link listener step 4

Set up the desired relationship, and close the dialog with the red cross.
The relationship should read like a SQL statement. For example here : WHERE ShiftName IN( <values of Parameter_1>)

Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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