To create a new Homepage, you can either :

  • add an empty Homepage from the Homepages
  • create a new Homepage on the fly when Pinning a Widget from a Dashboard

Create Homepage

Create an empty Homepage

Click the Create homepage button to add a new empty homepage :

Homepage create button

Fill-in the desired Name and Theme, optionally, select this to be your Default Homepage (opened first) :

Homepage create dialog

Click Save, and your Homepage is ready to be used for Pinning Widgets to it.

Pin dashboard

Instead of an empty Homepage that could be used for pinning Widgets, you can choose to pin a fill Dashboard.

Check Pin dashboard and click Select dashboard to browse for the desired Dashboard :

Homepage create Pin Dashboard click

Homepage create Pin Dashboard browse

The selected Dashboard will be pinned entirely to the Homepage.

Edit homepage

Once created, the Homepage can be edited.
Click the Edit homepage button to open the dialog again and change the Name, Theme and Default status of the Homepage :

Homepage edit button

Delete homepage

Once created, the Homepage can be deleted.
Click the Delete homepage button to delete it :

Homepage delete button
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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