Monochromatic (Choropleth Map)
By default, Choropleth Map with no Calculations show value intensity as a gradient of a single color.
This Monochromatic Gradient can be set to a different color by using the dedicated combobox under Map Settings :
Color Scale (Choropleth Map)
Choropleth Map with no Calculations can be configured to show value intensity in ranges of single colors.
Select Color Scale and choose the number of colors and the colors of each interval :
The interval between the maximum of Value and the minimum of Value will be split in equal intervals and assigned a single color.
Value-based Colors (Choropleth Map)
Choropleth Map with Calculations show a single different color for each different value of the Calculations field.
By default, these colors are indexed from a default palette.
Instead of index-based, you may then choose Value-based colors : the same value in the Calculations field will always have the same color in the Map.
For this, simply check Use value-based colors under Range Color Settings :
Customizing Value-based colors
Value-based colors are defined at the Data Source level.
This is in order to allow re-use of the colors everywhere the same data is used.
To configure value-based colors, see the corresponding chapter Value-based Settings under Transforming Data.
Bubble Color (Bubble Map)
Bubbles have a single color defined by Bubble Color under Basic Settings :
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