
To turn a Widget into a Master Widget and allow it to filter other Widgets, check Act As Master Widget under Filter :

master configure 2

There is also a shortcut in the top bar :

Master configure

Master Widget by default

Some widgets do not require to perform this setting manually : all Widgets in category “Filter” are configured as Master Widget by default.


This will automatically :

  • make the Widget and its DataSelect events available as “Master” to the left column in the “Parameters Editor” dialog
  • generate as many Dashboard Parameters as there are DataSelect events, and name them like FieldName_index (example : Equipment_1)
  • bind the events as Master to the corresponding Parameters
  • bind to these Parameters all the Listener Widgets that use the same Data Source as the Master Widget

Master binding

Viewing filtered widgets

When the Master Widget configuration is active, a new section appears at the bottom of the data panel on the left, called Filtering :

Master filtering

This is a list of Listener Widgets that are bound to this Master Widget.
The checkboxes are a shortcut to disable the Parameter linking to that listener.

Master Filtering remove
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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