A User goes on Lockout when they have tried to connect with an incorrect password too many times in a row.
This is a security measure that can be configured globally and disabled individually for users.

User lockout information

Configuring Lockout

Lockout is configured at the Tenant level under Administration > Settings, in tab Security :

Server menu Settings

Settings Security tab click

Settings Lockout

Enable user account locking on failed login attempts

This setting enables or disables the feature.

Maximum number of failed login attempt count before locking the account

This setting defines how many times in a row a user must fail to login (incorrect password) to trigger the Lockout.

Account locking duration

Number of seconds that the account will stay Locked.
After this duration, the User can try again to login.

How to Unlock a User

When a User has been locked, they must wait for the timeout to complete.
They can also ask an administrator to unlock them.

To manage Users, go to the Administration > Users page :

Server menu Administration Users

Finding Users on Lockout

You can search for Users who are currently Locked.

In advanced filters, check Only locked users :

Users search Locked click

Unlocking a User

When you have found the locked User, click Aciton > Unlock :

User Unlock


You can exclude some users from the Lockout : those Users can attempt to login as many times as they want and will never be locked out.

To manage Users, go to the Administration > Users page :

Server menu Administration Users

To Edit a User, click the Actions > Edit button :

User Edit click

Lockout enabled

Un-check Lockout enabled create an exception for this User :

User profile lockout enabled
Last modified: Apr 18, 2023


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