Grid cells can be formatted with color and text style based on data conditions.

Access Conditional Formatting

For this, click Template under Column Settings :

Grid Template button

In the Edit Columns Template dialog, select on the left a a column where you want to apply a formatting, then select Conditional Formatting and click Edit :

Grid Conditional select

Add a Condition

In the Grid Conditional Formatting dialog, click + to add a first Condition :

Grid Conditional add

Configure a Condition

A new Grid Conditional Formatting dialog appears for this new Condition :

Grid Conditional single

Based On column

The Based On column selector allows to select which column will be used to calculate the condition :

Grid Conditional column

Color Settings

Two color modes are possible :

Grid Conditional color
  • Single Color : based on a boolean condition, a single color is wholly applied or not, depending if the row meets the condition
  • Gradient : based on a numerical field, a color gradient is applied to all cells, with color intensity depending on the magnitude of the number

Formatting Type

The formatting can be applied either :

  • Column : on the cells of the selected column only
  • Row : on all the cells of the same row

Grid Conditional row

Single Color : Condition

For Single Color mode, the boolean condition is configured as : Column Operator Value
Example : AlarmLevel >= 100

The operator can be selected from the Condition combobox :

Grid Conditional operator

The value to compare to can be entered in the text field called Values or a Dashboard Parameter can be used instead :

Grid Conditional value

Single Color : Style

For Single Color mode, the style applied includes font color and style (Bold, Italic, Underlined, Stricken) :

Grid Conditional style Single

Gradient : Style

For Gradient color mode, the style applied includes font color and gradient color :

Grid Conditional style Gradient

Grid Conditional Gradient type

Condition Order

Conditions will be applied in the same order as the list of conditions.


The following list of conditions will apply the widest condition last (>1M), which will override any formatting done in the previous narrower condition (>10M) :

Grid Conditional order 1

In order to apply a different color to the narrower condition (>10M), it needs to be listed last :

Grid Conditional order 2

Editing a Condition

Click on a Condition and click on the pen icon to edit :

Grid Conditional edit

Deleting a Condition

Click on a Condition and click on the trash icon to delete :

Grid Conditional delete
Last modified: Sep 13, 2021


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