Publishing from Alpana Server
Data Sources can be published from Alpana Designer.
Alternately, you can publish a Data Source .alps
file directly to the Server.
Click the Add datasource button :
This opens the Upload New dialog :
Click the Select File button to browse your filesystem for a datasource .alps
Fill-in a Name and optionally a Description.
When you click the Save button, the DataSource is published.
Actions menu
Each published DataSource has a set of actions available.
To list those actions, open the datasource menu next to the DataSource’s name :
Some of those actions are detailed in the corresponding chapter :
- Download
- Manage permissions
- Versions history
- Update
- Delete
This downloads the datasource .alps
This allows for example to import it in Alpana Designer.
This opens the Edit dialog to update the DataSource’s name and description.
You can also upload a new widget .alps
file to replace the current one.
If you do so, this will create a new version, so you can input a Version Comment.
This deletes the selected Widget.
Manage permissions
(see corresponding chapter)
Versions history
(see corresponding chapter)
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