Parameters can be used as a placeholder inside a text string : the placeholder is replaced dynamically by the Parameter’s value.
will be replaced in-place by the values of the Parameter called “parametername”.
Example :
The high limit is ${parametername} minutes.
will get replaced at runtime by :
The high limit is 123 minutes.
Multiple values
Parameters that return multiple values will return them separated with commas.
So that you can write :
The date interval is ${multiDateParameter} for this Dashboard.
and it may get replaced at runtime by :
The date interval is 2020-08-26T14:50:35,2020-08-26T15:50:35 for this Dashboard.
Getting item inside multiple values
When using a parameter with multiple values, it is possible to get each value separately.
using the syntax : $@{multiDateParameter[ValueIndex]}@ with value index as a number (first value is 0).
For example, If your parameter has 3 values : “Building A,Building B,Building C”
Using MyParameter0 Will give you “Building A”
Using it with time range widget parameter, you wll be able to get Start en End Date separately.
Label Parameters can be used to replace static text in :
- the Label widget
- any widget Header
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