User and Roles can be assigned Permissions to Alpana Server.
Below is the list of existing permissions and their description.
Host permissions
On the Host, the possible Permissions are as follows :
- License management : User can manage the license (activate, deactivate, enable/disable features)
- Pages : the web Pages that the User can access on the Host :
- Administration : User can access the Host Administration pages
- Audit Logs : User can read the Audit logs
- Maintenance : User can access the Maintenance page
- Roles : User can access the Host’s Roles page
- Creating a new role : User can create a new Role
- Deleting role : User can delete any Role
- Editing role : User can edit any Role
- Settings : User can access the Host Settings page
- Users : User can access the Users page to view existing users of the Host
- Changing permissions : User can change Permissions of other Host users
- Creating a new user : User can create other users
- Deleting user : User can delete users
- Editing user : User can edit other users’ properties
- Login for users : User can impersonate other users of this Tenant to login as them
- Unlock : User can unlock users that have been locked following too many incorrect login attempts
- Visual settings : User can access the Visual Settings page
- Tenants : User can access the Tenants page
- Changing features : User can assign/remove features to any Tenants
- Creating new tenant : User can create Tenants
- Deleting tenant : User can delete Tenants
- Editing tenant : User can edit Tenants’ properties
- Login for tenants : User can impersonate Tenants users to login on any Tenant
- Administration : User can access the Host Administration pages
Tenant permissions
On each Tenant, the possible Permissions are as follows :
- API :
- Manage API : (permission not used)
- Use API : User can access the API snippets page
- Pages : the web Pages that the User can access on the Tenant :
- Administration : User can access the Tenant Administration pages
- Audit Logs : User can read the Audit logs
- Roles : User can access the Tenant’s Roles page
- Creating a new role : User can create a new Role
- Deleting role : User can delete any Role
- Editing role : User can edit any Role
- Settings : User can access the Tenant Settings page
- Users : User can access the Users page to view existing users of the Tenant
- Changing permissions : User can change Permissions of other users of the Tenant
- Creating a new user : User can create other users
- Deleting user : User can delete users
- Editing user : User can edit other users’ properties
- Login for users : User can impersonate other users of this Tenant to login as them
- Unlock : User can unlock users that have been locked following too many incorrect login attempts
- Visual settings : User can access the Visual Settings page
- Categories : User can view Categories
- Manage Categories : User can create/edit/delete Categories
- Dashboard Viewer : User can view Dashboards
- Comments : User can access the Comments panel of Dashboards
- Embedding : User can access the Get Link / Embed page of Dashboards
- Export Dashboards : User can manually export Dashboards to files
- Dashboards : User can access the list of Dashboards
- Download dashboards : User can download published Dashboards
- Manage dashboards : User can move/copy/delete Dashboards
- Datasources : User can access the list of Data Sources
- Download datasources : User can download published Data Sources
- Manage datasources : User can create/delete Data Sources
- Homepages : User can view their Homepages
- Manage homepages : User can create/edit/delete their Homepages
- Manage entities permissions : User can manage individual permissions of Dashboards, Widgets, Data Sources
- Manage entities versions history_ : User can manage the version history of Dashboards, Widgets, Data Sources
- Schedulings : User can view the Schedules page
- Manage schedulings : User can create/edit/run/delete Schedules
- Widgets : User can access the list of Widgets
- Download Widgets User can download published Widgets
- Manage widgets : User can manage widgets
- Administration : User can access the Tenant Administration pages
- Schedulings :
- Subscribe to schedulings : User can be added as target to a Schedule
Last modified:
Sep 13, 2021
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